Nationwide Directory of
Iranian-American Persian Rug Dealers


Top Rated Persian Rug Dealers


Rose Oriental Rugs

(1 Review)
  • 1573 Solano Ave.
  • Berkeley ,California
  • 925 339-1469

. Parvizian

(1 Review)
  • 7924 Wisconsin Ave.
  • Bethesda ,Maryland
  • 301 654-8989

Oriental Rugs

(1 Review)
  • 328 Park Rd.
  • West Hartford ,Connecticut
  • 860 570-0456

Treasure Rugs

(1 Review)
  • 45969 Nokes Blvd
  • Sterling ,Virginia
  • 703 424-1703

Message from the Editor

The Persian carpet (Pahlavi bōb Persian farš فرش, meaning "to spread" and qāli) is an essential part of Persian art and culture. Carpet-weaving is undoubtedly one of the most distinguished manifestations of Persian culture and art, and dates back to ancient Persia. In 2008, Iran’s exports of hand-woven carpets was $420 million or 30% of the world's market. There is an estimated population of 1.2 million weavers in Iran producing carpets for domestic markets and international export. Iran exports carpets to more than 100 countries, as hand-woven rugs are one of its main non-oil export items. The country produces about five million square meters of carpets annually—80 percent of which are sold in international markets. In recent times Iranian carpets have come under fierce competition from other countries producing reproductions of the original Iranian designs as well as cheaper substitutes.

There are many stores that sell rugs, but the best kind- by all accounts- and the king of all rugs, is, still, the Persian rug.

One of Us :: Felix Camerino

Felix's Mcdonald's is our featured restaurant this month.

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